Saturday, July 16, 2011

What do you do when it's hot and humid in the Midwest?

Seriously hot and humid - like 110 heat index and 80% humidity. I am one of the offspring who inherited Dad's profuse sweating capacity and so this kind of heat has its side effects. I won't go into details. I also hate sitting inside all day with two small children watching them rip apart the house. So what to do?

We went to McCormick's Creek and played all morning long.
We scampered over rocks and dipped our toes in the water.

We got a big kick out of throwing rocks and watching them splash.

We waded in the creek.

We enjoyed the gorgeous sunlight.

We conquered rocks and crowed like Peter Pan.

We sat down on smooth river rocks and let the water flow over us.

And we did all kinds of interpretative dancing in the water on the smooth rocks.

And we stayed cool.


Brad said...

Great pictures of a beautiful place. Thanks for posting them.

Rosie said...

This reminded me of going to Great Barrington Mass with Brad and sitting in the river with you kids and Carl Libsky! Do you remember? Joyce and Grace - you are moldeling what everyone wishes we could do when it is hot! Wish we could be there dancing in the river with you! Love you guys.

Emilie said...

i want to go to a river to cool off with you guys.

Mels said...

Sorry Jake you got hurt again, ouch, that must of hurt. I love and miss you all, hope to see you soon.

Mels said...

Sorry to everyone about the comment about Jake, it was suppose to be on my friends blog, I do not know how it eneded up on ours. I miss you and love you and I am so excited to see you soon.