Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Day in Paradise

Today was gorgeous so Rebekah and I took her friend, Julia Harris, to Paradise in  Mount Rainier National Park for an unforgettable day of snowshoeing. We ended up climbing almost 2,000 feet as we were surrounded by some of the most beautiful mountains in the world.

Rebekah and Julia work their way up a ridge

Rebekah and I stop for a photo with Rainier in the background.
Rebekah and Julia stop for lunch with Rainier looming in the background

Rebekah and Julia with Mount Adams in the background

Note Rebekah's long shadow as the close of day approaches.  In the background is a steep slope that we climbed then glissaded down.

Rebekah and Julie are silhouetted against the setting sun as they take in the beauty of the surrounding mountains.

Mount Adams (left) and Mount Saint Helens (right)

As we drove out of the parking lot we were greeted by two foxes. One was black and the other a beautiful white/yellow/red (below).

My only complaint about the entire day is that it was the winter solstice -- the shortest day of the year.

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